TITLE: Wrong Verse AUTHOR: Denise Morgen EMAIL: meadora@hotmail.com CATEGORY: V, A, MSR, RST RATING: NC-17 for language and explicit sexual relations SUMMARY: Mulder makes the right move for the wrong reasons... SPOILERS: Milagro, One Father/Two Sons, Arcadia (i.e. season six in general before The Unnatural) ARCHIVE: Anywhere, just drop me a line so I can visit. FEEDBACK: The quick and easy way to have a shrine erected in your honor. DISCLAIMER: The characters of Mulder, Scully and Diana are not mine. They are the property of Fox, 1013 productions and Chris Carter. No profit is being made and no infringement is intended. AUTHOR'S NOTE: This story contains the revised 'Wrong Verse' and its sequel 'Right Song.' Visit my fanfiction, it gets lonely! http://DennysX.cjb.net ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Wrong Verse by Denise Morgen I never would've believed it, not in a million years. If you'd told me when I woke up this morning I would end the day in Dana Scully's arms I would've laughed in your face and then written you out a prescription for Thorazine to combat your obviously delusional state. But... But here I am, curled around her like she's my own personal teddy bear, warm and ensconced in her bed and her arms. Fuck. What am I going to do? I didn't mean for this to happen, I was trying to scare her off. After the mess with that asshole Padgett I'd been forced to come to terms with some very disturbing realizations. The foremost of those being that I'm hopelessly in love with Special Agent Dana Scully. Okay, so that REALLY wasn't much of a revelation, I've known it for a long time. Hell, I even told her once, even if she thought I was high at the time. And I was actually, but it wasn't the Demerol as much as the euphoria from our pseudo-kiss that she wouldn't have believed me about if I told her. But it was the realization that Scully might just be in love with me that kicked my ass. Actually, to tell the truth, I almost fell on my naked ass in the middle of a shower when it first occurred to me that I might've been who good old Phil had been referring to. Scully's in love with me, Dana's in love with ME...or at least there's the possibility that she might be. Un-Fucking-Believable. Followed closely on heels of this revelation was the thought: I have to get her the hell away from me. You see, bad things happen to people I love. Oh sure, I've tried to make her leave before, but my heart wasn't in it. She's become too important a part of my life to do without. But I can't be selfish anymore, there's too much at stake. Of course she's still the most important part of my existence, I already know I'm going to be an empty shell of myself without her. But look what's happened to her already: three months of her life stolen, robbed of a sister, a daughter, the possibility of more children, a normal life. And all of that was before she loved me, I'm sure of it. I came into work this morning strong in my convictions and ready to begin fully pushing her out of my life. It wasn't until I got settled comfortably in my chair with a cup of coffee and a pack of seeds that I realized I didn't have any idea how to do it. Looking back on my behavior these past few months, I realized being an asshole to her simply wouldn't cut it. Scully has seen my asshole side, hell let's just face it; I've been an unmitigated bastard pretty much all of this year and she hasn't left yet. If being a jerk worked, she would've told me to pound sand after that fiasco at the Gunmen's. My little reverie was broken by the brisk efficient sound of Scully's morning entrance. Glancing up the paperwork I'd supposedly been studying I watched her settle down at her desk with her morning rituals when suddenly it hit me: she was wearing The Suit. Yep, that's how I think of it, capital letters and all. The Suit. A sleek black Donna Karan that only barely pretends to adhere to dress code with a satin red shell peaking out underneath, drawing the eyes to the shadowy well of her cleavage. While trying not to blatantly stare at my partner's breasts suddenly it hit me: the perfect way to rattle her enough to make her go! The only time in the last year when she seemed seriously perturbed with me was that case in Arcadia! She barely managed to hide the flinch when I touched her, even though it endangered our cover! And Scully's too much a professional to allow something little like that to get in the way of her job, so it must've really bothered her! All I'd have to do is be even more um, intrusive than I normally was. Scully barely tolerates my regular constant forays into her personal space, let's see how she handles something me being more serious than leeringly playful in my flirtations. I couldn't have picked a better day to put my little plan into action. If I believed in god I would've thought that he approved of my strategy because Skinner called early on to demand that we turn in all of our delinquent reimbursement forms for the cases we've been on since recovering the X-Files. Did I mention we haven't DONE any reimbursement forms since we got back the X-Files? Needless to say, it was going to be a long day. I had no idea how long...staying glued to Scully's very curvaceous side had uh, shall we say, aggravated an existing condition. My only consolation was that it appeared to be affecting her as much as it was me. She even called me on my hovering with a sarcastic jab and a raised eyebrow but I derailed the argument quickly with the timely suggestion of dinner and a change of location. She seemed a little wary but agreed quickly enough when I offered to let her choose our dining fare. I know what you're thinking; not exactly the best plan in the world, huh? And you know, it never even occurred to me, not even in passing, that she might take me up on it...some psychologist I am. Especially coming as it did on the tail of the 'Scully is in love with me' thought. Maybe I should start carrying a rock around in my pocket in lieu of an id card... So there we were, lounging on her couch after a dinner of Japanese takeout, practically surrounded by a sea of delinquent reimbursement forms. The warm sake and yakitori formed a potent combination that left me sated and drowsy so I loll happily on the couch as Scully fussed with the mound of papers on her side of the floor. I'm a little unclear on what exactly happened next but I think she asked me for a file. I must not have answered satisfactorily because the first thing I was aware of after dragging open my bleary eyes was the entrancing sight of Scully rising over me to reach the file on the back of the couch behind me. I didn't even attempt to fight the temptation; I just slid my hand up her neck, cupped my hand around her skull and brought her down to me. She stiffened momentarily in my embrace and I was certain that I'd succeeded. That is, until she moved to straddle my legs and pull me closer... Damn. I was lost. From the first sweet taste of her lips I knew it was all over, I didn't even have the strength of will to consider resisting. I'm surprised we made it to the bed we were so desperate for each other. And if I know my Scully, the first thing she'll do in the morning is clean up the clothes we left lying like a trail of bread crumbs in our haste to get to more comfortable surroundings. Hmmm...My Scully...oh god, it's too late-I'm gonna get her killed because now I can't let her go... ******************************************************************** * I can feel Mulder tensing beneath me. I wonder what's going on in that fiendish little mind of his? I think I know his reasoning behind what he did yesterday, I just don't know why he felt it necessary. For that matter, I don't know why he thought it would work. I stuck with him through situations that would've driven anyone else insane, I don't know why he thought a physical expression of our love would be my downfall. He's brooding; I can't practically hear the little wheels turning in his over-active brain. He surprised the hell out of me yesterday, even though I was partly expecting it. Somehow the phantom caresses I'd fantasized melted like wax before the heat of his lips on my own and the hard planes of his chest beneath my hands. I think I surprised - actually forget that, I KNOW I shocked the hell out of him when I slid onto his lap. The way his eyes bugged out and his eyebrows tried to meet his hairline was just priceless. Rendering Mulder speechless is more fulfilling than a double mocha cappuccino on a windy day; too bad I was too busy taking inventory of his fillings to properly appreciate it... His heart has just kicked into overtime beneath my ear and he's practically shaking. Okay I've had enough, I'm going to ban wallowing from this bed. Time to lay it all on the table... "You know, if you were trying to get rid of me this was not the way to go about it." Oh good, I've managed to slow his pulse down. Wait, actually I think his heart just stopped so I don't think that counts. There it goes again, revving back up like the Energizer Bunny on speed. I tilt my chin up and rest it on his chest. Peering up at him through the blur of my hair, it amuses me to see that I've managed to render him speechless again. But as entertaining as it is to watch Mulder gape at me like a goldfish out of water, I think it's time to get this conversation rolling. Swinging my leg over his hip, I pull myself into a sitting position on his lap. The feel of his stiff morning erection pressing so intimately into my body threatens to derail my train of thought so I slide myself more securely onto his legs. Mulder moans in appreciation at the delicious friction and his hands grip my hips almost subconsciously. He's worrying on that luscious lower lip of his as he struggles to form a coherent response. It's all I can do to keep from lowering back down onto him and replacing his teeth with my lips and tongue; I'm a possessive woman by nature and that lip is MINE! Fortunately I manage to keep myself in check because he finally gets it together enough to speak, which definitely would NOT have happened if I'd had my tongue in his mouth. "W-why do you say that?" Ah, denial. So that's how he wants to play it, is it? Nope, sorry baby, not this time and never again. No more of our usual little games, let's try a new one: it's called Be-Honest-About-What's- On- Your-Mind. Here, I'll go first... "I know what you were doing, Mulder...what I don't understand is why." He gulps awkwardly and tries to evade my eyes by looking down. Obviously not a good idea if he wants to try to remain impartial about this since I'm naked and mere inches away from riding his cock. Again. He shudders at the sight and chooses to avoid me by closing his eyes instead. "Scully- I can't, I can't let you go..." I've never heard him sound so broken before. Even when we lost the X-Files, he didn't sound as lost as this. I watch silently for a moment as he visibly fights back tears before I just can't take it anymore and slide down his taught form to take him in my arms. I half expect him to push me away and I think he surprised us both by immediately wrapping his arms around me and molding my body to his. I pull him tighter into my arms as he weeps and murmur soothing nonsense into his hair. "I can't Scully, I can't-I-thought-I-could-but-I-can't-and-I'm-so- sorry-sorry-sorry-" His words are flowing together under the force of his distress and I have to fight to understand his babble. Finally I pull back from his crushing hold and force him to look me in the eye. He fights the contact briefly but accedes with a meekness I've never seen in him when I tilt his forehead to mine. He's hiccuping from his attempt to stop crying and still muttering disjointedly about how sorry he is when I silence him with a soft finger across his lips. "Mulder, who ever said you have to let me go? I'm not going anywhere, especially now..." One would think he'd find some reassurance in my words, but instead he looks like I'm crushing his soul with every syllable. A sudden, terrifying thought occurs to me. What if he didn't want me?! What if he was tired of me, but couldn't find a way to tell me? What if- Stop it, Dana. I cut of that line of thought abruptly. Think rationally, logically. Would he be saying he can't let you go if he didn't want you? NO. He'd be half way back to his apartment by now, having already given you the this-never- happened speech or some other variation on how we can't let it affect our work. So, think Mulder; knowing him it's probably one of two things: guilt or panic. Probably a combination of the two. Throw in his self-sacrificing martyr complex and I think I have the answer. "Letting me go wouldn't protect me, you know. After all I've seen and all we've been through I wouldn't be able to go back to living my life blissfully ignorant with the rest of the humanity. I would have to be involved, even if you forced me away. There's too much at stake to just let it go and move to the suburbs." He's blinking owlishly at me, but his eyes are clear so I decide to go in for the kill. "The only thing you sending me away would do is make us both miserable missing each other." ******************************************************************** * What did I do to deserve this woman? It must've been something in a past life, because nothing I've done in this one is worthy of such a reward. "I'm sorry." I whisper as I claim a kiss from her seductive mouth. She melts into me just like she did the first time last night, but without the initial stiffening. I don't think I'll ever get used to this, this automatic surrender of her body to me. She gives herself to me like a sacrifice, offering up all that she has for my pleasure. Never, in all my life has ANY woman ever given herself to me like this. Every other lover I've ever had kept themselves apart from me, not their bodies but their souls. Even the women that I'd given all of myself to selfishly used me to achieve their ends. Drinking of my essence like vampires, leaving me a broken empty husk afterward. Some more literally than others, I think with an internal flinch as I remember Kristen. Not Scully, she fills me up with her radiance, giving equally of her soul in exchange for mine. She is the sweetest ambrosia beneath my tongue and I drink of her until darkness tugs on the edges of my vision and oxygen depravation forces me to wrench my mouth away from hers. We both suck in air with gasping, ragged gulps as we continue to cling to each other. Slowly our breathing evens out and my body pulses with the knowledge that she is naked in my arms. I was wrong, oh god, how can I have been so wrong? How could I have thought to deny myself, to deny US this? "Tell me." she says, breaking the heavy silence. I don't have to ask what she means. "I wanted to protect you," I can tell she'd like to interrupt here but I silence her with a finger to the lips as she did me earlier. "I had been thinking about what Padgett said last week...thinking about it a lot. It drove me crazy to think that there was some man out there that you longed for at night, someone who maybe got to spend those nights in your arms. I spent inordinate amounts of time trying to figure out who it was. A doctor, a fellow agent, hell, I even considered Skinner! Yesterday I realized that it must be me. That there's no way you would've stuck around otherwise," This is another one of those places where she's just dying to interrupt, indignant at the thought that she would base her work decisions on emotional matters so I forge ahead. "If you were in love with someone else, your own loyalty would've forced you away from me to be with them. You would've put yourself in a position to help me, but you would've requested a more stationary assignment to be near your lover, your husband." She still wants to argue but I can tell some of this is penetrating so instead she nods reluctantly. "Instead, you fall in love with me and I drag you all over the planet. Look at what's happened you already, Scully. I could spend all morning cataloguing the terrible disasters you've faced since you joined the X-Files! And it's not like it's going to get any better, not if we keep doing what we're doing. But like you said, what we're doing is important and there's no one else to do it." I take a deep, shuddery breath before continuing. "Bad things happen to people who love me, Scully. I'm sure I don't have to enumerate examples for you, by now I know that you've got the list down pat. It almost killed me those three months you were gone and every time something happens to you it slaps me in the face again: what if this one's the one? What if the next bullet is high to the right or the next alien plague is an air-borne pathogen? What if next time we're not so lucky? That's why I tried to trick you into leaving, because I knew that I'm to weak to ask you to leave but that if you stay with me you'll end up dead." Having refreshed the fear in my mind, I'm starting to rethink our current course of action. Before I can act to put distance between us she's pulled me down for another soul searching kiss. It occurs to me briefly that I should resist, but I just can't. My physical reaction to this woman is blinding in its intensity and all I can do is hang on for the ride. ******************************************************************** * Damn stubborn, foolish man! How many times?! How many times do I have to tell him before it sinks in?!?!?! Fine. Since he doesn't listen when I tell him I'll just have to follow Grandma Scully's three point plan to making a man understand. Never heard of the three point plan? I think every woman should be aware of this one. Here goes: 1.)Tell him. "I" kiss "love" kiss kiss "you" long, wet kiss "And I'm not" kiss "going" kiss "anywhere!!!" 2.)Show him. I reach between us and give him a long, firm stroke. He sighs at the contact, but I swallow his little pleasure sounds with a kiss as I open myself and slide down the silky steel of his length. He releases my mouth with a gasp when he's fully buried inside me and I move on to step three by moving back up into a sitting position so I can look down on him. Mulder scoots backward like a crab so his body is braced against my headboard and settles his hands on my hips to guide me. I resist his efforts to speed things up as I lean forward to whisper in his ear as I leisurely ride him. 3.) Tell him what it was you just showed him. "Do you see this?" I whisper in his ear as he whimpers and thrusts up into me, stretching the tight expanse of my inner self and making it his own. "Do you see us? Look at how beautiful we are together." We both moan as I pull back and rest against his upraised knees, baring the site of our joining to our eager eyes. "We belong to each other..." "Oh god-" he gasps as he thrusts into me more determinedly. Now Grandma Scully always said that even when following the three point plan, nine times out of ten the average man still won't get it right. But I always knew my Mulder was smarter than the average bear, and he proves it with an enthusiastic yell of "You are mine!" as his hands move from my hips to my breasts and start to toy with the aching nipples. Now I'm whimpering and rolling my hips in response to the extra stimulation. Next thing I know I've been flipped over on my back and Mulder is pounding into me for all he's worth as he caresses the swollen nub of my pleasure with his thumb. OOOOOooooh Yesssssss... God, I love the missionary position! Most women think I'm weird when I say that. Don't get me wrong, being on top is fun and I enjoy various other positions, but there's just nothing more erotic to me than the feeling of a man thrusting down into me. I love the freedom it allows me to reach up and suckle his flat male nipples, how wonderful it feels to wrap my legs around his narrow hips and urge him in deeper. I've pulled my knees up almost all the way to my chest at this point and Mulder is beginning to lose control in his strokes which turns me on even more. The brain is the biggest erogenous zone in the body and the site of my partner's eyes rolled back in his head and his face contorted into a seductive rictus of pleasure/pain is almost enough to make me come right there. Almost. It's his voice that does it. I don't know where he got the extra air, but suddenly I can hear him gasping out endearments as he fills me with pounding thrust of his body. "Scuh-lly. God, beautiful, so beau-t-tiful. Baby, come for me, please, come-" And with a final flick of his thumb my orgasm is upon me. "Muuuh-uhl-d-der!!!!" ******************************************************************** * My ears are ringing with the sound of my name as her body pulses around me. I'd desperately love to be able to slow down to prolong this for her, but it's not even an option. My body has taken over and is blindly striving for the finish line. I grab a hold of her hips for better resistance and pound into her like a madman. My forehead is resting on her shoulder and I'm afraid I might be hurting her, but I can't stop. Her internal muscles are milking me with her lingering spasms and I'm lost. The pressure has built to the breaking point now and with a final shuddering thrust I lose myself inside of her. The world explodes in light... ******************************************************************** * "So, I assume we have that settled?" I don't know why she's asking me questions now, there's no way I'm gonna be able to answer. Oh...wait, maybe that is why she's asking me now. She could've waited till later though, and my answer would've been the same. I roll off of her with a heavy sigh and she cuddles up to my chest. "Is it settled?" she asks as she flicks a fingernail lightly over my over sensitized nipple and I jump at the contact. ******************************************************************** * He jumps at my touch and I know I shouldn't be messing with him now, but I need to know. I couldn't stand it if he were to wake up in an hour and leave my bed and my life; it would kill me. I look up at him expectantly and he smiles down at me and caresses my cheek. "Yeah, Scully, it's settled. I will have to concede you've shown me the error of my ways." I blush at his leer, but it is quickly replaced with a genuine smile so I let him live. He pulls me closer and covers us both with the blankets. Right as I'm drifting off I hear him whisper: "Didn't I tell you I couldn't let you go?" Fini.